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Topic Title: intense anxiety and 5htp

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"intense anxiety and 5htp" , Sun 16 Oct 15:33

Hi guys,

I suffer from intense anxiety and panic. Ive tried all the ssri drugs and they all seem to aggravate my condition. I know this is normal, but I wait them out and never recieve a calming effect(8-12 weeks). Ive also used benzos but refuse now due to a very long drawn out painful withdrawal. I was wondering if you guys think 5htp can help me for this anxiety/panic? Is it more for mild anxiety or can it help for high anxiety?

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"Re(1):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Fri 23 Dec 15:53:

I haven't posted on here in ages but I thought I'd drop you a line because I sympathise with your position. I had REALLY bad anxiety and I really tried to persevere with the SSRI's etc but, as your experience, they all aggrevated it and made it worse. In fact, almost anything I took agrevated it. I'm sure even fish oil made it worse! SAM-e HTP, I tried the lot, they all made me mega-anxious.

I eventually got my anxiety under control using a variety of things. They may or may not work for you, but they are at least something for you to consider that is drug-free.

They are accupuncture and light therapy.

Accupuncture decreased my adrenalin levels massively. I mean, I can't overstate this, I very quickly noticed that although i didn't feel "cured" I lost the desire to run from situations. It's as though the whole problem just became more managable. I did accupuncture for ages and spent a fortune, but I'm pleased to say the effects remained after I stopped it. It was as though it taught me how to relax properly.

As for light therapy, i tried it on a whim about 8 months ago and I've never looked back. It's given me my life back. I work full-time again and am soon moving house. These things would have been totally impossible pre-lightbox.

I would say that even if you are super-sensitive to drugs like me, these will not increase your anxiety. I should add that I NOW realise my anxiety was probably born out of being a SAD sufferer. I never would have made the seasonal connection until I was amazed by the difference the lightbox made. For this reason your milage may vary. Perhaps you have a very different problem. Whatever the case, good luck with it.


[this message was edited by adamb on Fri 23 Dec 15:58]

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"Re(2):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Wed 25 Jan 08:33

I think the lesson here is that try everything until you hit the solution that works. Adam and I have had email corespondance for some time and we both are the type that will leave no stone unturned.

For me, the best thing for anxiety is CES (cranial electrotherapy stimulation). The 0.5hz units seem to flip a switch in the brain and turn it from sympathetic to parasympathetic. But I also need to use 5-htp and l-tyrosine, plus I take magnesium and vitamins. Gingko is also something you might want to try since it improves overall blood flow to the brain.

Adam, I haven't heard from you since I finished my kayak. How is everything?

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"Re(3):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Fri 24 Mar 01:05

I have tried ssri's hypnosis and kava kava along with other things to help with my anxiety , I have looked at CES , would you really recommend it ?
Any details : which brand , which frequency etc.
Ta Merv

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"Re(3):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Wed 25 Jan 08:48

Hi mate,

I'm ok. It's been a good year mental health wise. I've got a good job and I've moved house recently.

Unfortunately I'm suffering from a pretty severe lull in mood these last few weeks. I'm not sure if it's winter blues or what, we're currently getting about 8 hours of day light over here, it's gloomy!

Anyway, fingers crossed that will be over soon, onwards and upwards. If you get a chance, drop me a pic of the finished kayak. :o)

Hope all is well with you.


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"Re(4):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Fri 17 Mar 16:35

Adam, where did you get your lightbox from? Is there a website address? Thanks in advance.

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"Re(1):intense anxiety and 5htp" , Tue 25 Oct 14:55

I too suffer from anxiety and have tried many different things for relief, anything to calm down my head. Nothing can compare to L-theanine for a calming effect. Research it but my understanding is that too much norepinephrine causes anxiety. The L-theanine increases dopamine, GABA, and serotonin levels which tones down the norepinephrine.

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